11:42 PM

A classic tale of modern hypocrisy

"From now onwards, whoever leaving the showcase will have to inform their neighbor." LT said sternly in the briefing today. "I don't want to come out and see anyone left alone in the showcase."

What? I have been left alone since my first month here and obviously it's happening to me and Newbie and D. So why is she staring so hard at me and newbie for? I snorted lightly.

"It's not funny." LT continued sternly, now glaring at me full out. I knew she didn't like me. I won't say that the feeling's mutual because i don't care enough about her. I stared challengingly back. "I've caught D alone in the showcase so many times last week."

Whose fault is that? Yet she's obviously accusing me (& newbie).

I'm not going to let an accusation like this slide. In the first place, it's the seniors themselves who left us alone in the showcase, not us. SO many times have i been left alone in the show case. I have to call the AM (Accounts Manager) out from inside the office, do the purchasing and even refer those needing to do the contract to wait for someone else (who isn't even there). So isn't that accusation kind of hypocritical?

As soon as briefing is over, i sought PL and LT out with Newbie. And there it came out, PL said we (newbie & I) always go everywhere together, leaving only one person there in the showcase.

Always? The only time me and newbie do things together is when we go for lunch together or go home together. That's all. Newbie got so angry that as she tried to clarify matters, she lost control and started to cry. She dashed for the toilet, leaving LT and PL looking after her retreating back. As one they turned to me.

"She has some family problems, right?" PL asked. "that's what affecting her work. we're not heartless, you can just talk it over with us..."

I shrugged and cut her off. I'm not in the mood to play nice. I played the easy-going and meek card in the office long enough.

"Her family problems, i don't know and see no reason to probe into. But she won't let it affect her work, at least i don't think so. What really got to her and me is the fact that u guys said we always go MIA. In the first place, the only reasons we ever leave the showcase are to 1) call the AM 2) Get help from the seniors who has access to the Atlas. 3) toilet. and we didn't even go to the toilet often either."

"But we're not the only ones who notice it." PL argued."And you guys are so eager to run off at 9pm..."

Ah... looks like J & E has been saying some stuff about us. And the ironic thing is, they are the ones who does the disappearing act. Of course, blame the temp staff. They aren't permanent. Go ahead and blame them to save your own ass.

"In the first place, you senior staff are the ones who keep going MIA. So often, i find myself alone at the showcase handling purchasing, having to call the AM and even the contract paperwork. I don't even dare to leave the showcase to come in because then there really will be no one there. When i came in to find help, only PY and R are around. R is handling the phone calls and i have to call PY out. You seniors are missing."

PL and LT gaped, especially LT. They stared at each other. Obviously, I've shocked them. Yay for me.

"A...Are you sure it's not lunch time?" LT asked weakly. I solemnly shook my head no. They stared at each other again.

Not giving them the opportunity to recover, I continued on calmly. "So, it's not us who left D or anyone there alone. In the first place, we are the ones being left there alone more often then not."

"Well, there's also about her work performance." PL said. "Sometimes we can't go off at exactly 9pm."

"I agree with you on that one." I said. I really can't refute that. Newbie is always eager to run off at 8.30pm. "For me, OT-ing doesn't matter. but perhaps, to her, it does ."

"Most of the times we can't end on time. You go on and tell her that. I don't think she would want to talk to me."

"This is none of my concern." Once again I cut her off. "Oops, I shouldn't have said that like that. To put it nicely, this is between you and her. You should tell her yourself. I get her to come out of the toilet."

Without waiting for any reply, i walked off to the toilet to fetch Newbie.

I had pinpointed them straight in the face. I hate to do this but i hate the fact that they pinpointed us for their mistakes even more.

Shitty hypocrites.