9:19 PM


Today is 5th of December and today is the last day of work in the Company.

I guess I passed the “Graduation Test” since I think I managed quite well during WY’s absence. And since today is my last day, I bought some chocolates (Ferrero Rondnoir) for those I worked with and those I’m close with.

Ri and Dz didn’t even know I’m leaving the company today. Haha, I didn’t make it known to them. So they are quite surprised with the chocolate. WA was surprisingly touched. I promised to send my regards to WY (who is on holiday at the moment).

Now when I’m finally going to leave SD, I have mixed feelings. Before, when I leave TP, I didn’t have such feelings. I felt more relieved then. When I was waiting for my contract to end, it seems like a long wait. Now, I have mixed feelings of happiness and sadness.

My time in SD taught me a lot of things: an introduction into the working world, interaction with older colleagues and their way of thinking; administrative work and techniques about procurement.

I am definitely going to be able to utilize all these skills in whichever field I land my ass in. As such, I thanks SD for training me and Leen for introducing me to SD.

Thanks Guys!