I can't believe it once again. Today was the day of my cousin's engagement party and i got into a little accident once again.
It was stupid, seriously.
I, er, forgot to shave and i was wearing a tube dress. Hence, in my hasty effort to shave, I accidently cut my ring and middle fingers on my right hand.
And it's not those little cuts kind. It's those "Dug-your-flesh-out" kind.
I bled a helluluva lot. I went through at least 6 tissues and 3 bloodsoaked plasters before the bleeding stopped. That's including applying pressure and force of gravity.
In any case, beside this little accident, the engagement party went without a hitch, as far as i'm concerned.
Thank god.
HEre are some photos. Not of the wounds i substained, obviously. Those are too disgusting (even to me, whom did autopsies on mice before) to be shown.
Here are photos of the engagement party:The venue for the Solemnisation. Amara Hotel.
The Desert Buffet. Good old Bro to get chocolate fondue.
Me and my cousin, SY, as the receptionists.
(Clockwise from left: 2nd photographer - WJ (my Bro), Usher - JW (My cousin), Event Troubleshooter - Aaron (Cousin), Receptionists - Me & SY (Cousin).
"I now declare you man & wife..."
"You may kiss the bride..."
Time to see who gets the bouquet of roses. I'm supposed to get it the 1st time round but I sidestepped. SY got it the 2nd time round.
Anyway, i guessed most of you noticed. ME and my cousin, SY, who was a fellow receptionist, wore the same style of dress, only in different colors. We planned for it this way. Nice huh? We chose to accessorise it differently. I wore black heels, a black belt with rose on it and black stockings. She wore white heels, a black belt with a ribbon and no stockings.
At least the day went well...
Oh YA, My cousin, Guo Jian and cousin-in-law got engaged on the 9th September 2009 - 09.09.09. Official Wedding soon to come!!!!
Congratulations to both of them and best wishes!!!
"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where it may lead you."
About Me
- Darkstar
- Born: a Slacker Likes: books, music, food, movies. Dislikes: trouble, troublesome people. Expertise: Enjoyment.
- Brother (1)
- Chinese New Year (1)
- Horror Interrogation (1)
- job hunt (1)
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- Mother (1)
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