11:17 PM

Donuts of Love~

Yo! What’s up, ladies and gentlemen? Sorry for not updating for so many days but let’s face it, I’ve gone MIA for a longer period of time before.

Anyway, to give a short update on myself, I started as a part timer at Missy Donuts (Compass Point) to pass the time as I search for a new job. So today, it was me, Huat and JJ on duty.

Both Huat and JJ are getting hyped up about Valentines’ Day. Seriously, JJ ahd already ordered the giant pink teddy bear from the aunt manning the gift shop across our stall. It costs 80 bucks and he’s reallly willing to spend. Yeap, I kinda disapprove because 1) he’s only 18; 2) that is a big sum of money for his age and 3) this is not the only thing that he’s getting for his girlfriend.

For me, I always think that a simple gift that was hand made personally is a better choice compared to numerous gifts that could just be bought off the street. After all, it spoke of effort and was made with love. And that could not be replaced with any other riches.

But hey, who am I to comment on him?

Today, JJ wanted to get his girlfriend some donuts. One thing lead to another and a simple idea of just giving donuts gets blown up into giving 6 personalized donuts scripted with words of love (idea courtesy of Yours Truly).

And the end result is:

Nice huh? * preens my feathers* I was the one who came up with the words and design (JJ claims that he does not have a creative cell in him). Huat was the one who baked the donuts (he’s the official baker for Missy Donuts) and wrote the words. Come to think of it, JJ did nothing. =______=

Nevertheless, when the box of Donuts made with Love is completed. It was time for JJ to knock off. He was so happy and embarrassed with the box of donuts that he was seriously red in the face, even his ears are flushing! That’s saying a lot, considering how dark he is (mocha brown, that’s his skin color). I had great fun teasing him about it! ^_^

He left with the promise to tell us of his girlfriend’s reaction the next day.

Ah~! Puppy love…. And I got a feeling I had just done a good deed…. Can I enter martyrdom? XD